With that little disclaimer out of the way, we can now move into how this list is going to be split up. While Divinity: Original Sin 2 could never be described as a balanced game, the mods above destroy what little balance there is. It is relatively easy to find these types of mods in the steam workshop or on Nexus Mods, so if those are the ones you are interested in, you shouldn’t have much of a problem.

I also feel it is important to note that I will not be including mods that are primarily for: These do not vary with gear type.Before we delve into the list of Divinity 2 mods I have chosen, I feel it is important to mention that this list only applies to the Definitive Edition of the game. Runes bearing the addendum "of Power" will add an additional effect along with the standard one when used to enchant gear.

Venom: Adds Poison Damage to the weapon provides Poison Resistance on armor increases Accuracy on jewelry.Thunder: Adds Air Damage to the weapon provides Air Resistance on armor increases Dodging on jewelry.Rock: Adds Earth Damage to the weapon provides Earth Resistance on armor increases maximum Vitality on jewelry.Masterwork: Adds additional Physical Damage to the weapon provides additional Physical Resistance on armor increases maximum Magic Armor on jewelry.